or show us one you like
Choose from our catalogue / show us an example / send us the artwork.
If you don’t already have an existing design you can choose a design from our catalogue or our artists can craft anything you want… but rather than have them blindly draft ideas (that you possibly won’t like), we suggest you do a simple Google Image search and then show us a design you like. We’ll then create a NEW design inspired by your sample style and ensure it’s in-line with any other instructions you have.
For best results Google specific clothing items for example “Bowls Shirt” or “Motorsport Jackets” or, for more creative ideas, broaden your search with “dye sublimated shirts” (remember it should be a Google Image search)
If you’re not fussed our talented design team can create completely bespoke designs from a verbal brief.
Need to copy last year’s design?
We can do that!
If you have the actual artwork files or logos that’s ideal… or we can easily redraw from a sample garment. Note that redrawing very complex artwork may attract a fee but we’ll discuss that with you when we’ve seen your sample garment.
We’ll put the kettle on!
To make a time to discuss your design with our team simply call us on 0414 813 807, we’d love to hear from you. Based on your discussion our team will schedule time to work up a visual of the proposed design and then either email it to you as a PDF draft… or print it out to discuss in person.
Generally a garment will take approximately a week to design (much quicker for something like a simple logo on colour) or complex designs can take longer. Once approved we can then schedule the print which generally takes about three weeks for a standard garment.